Semiotic Engineering Research Group

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Publications by SERG

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# Article Title Hits
126 Testing Predictions of SemioticEngineering in Human Computer Interaction 2845
127 Analytical Frameworks and Enhanced Modelling for Finite-Element Pre-Processors with Direct Manipulation Interfaces 2929
128 Enhancing the Human-Computer Interface of Power Systems Applications (PICA) 2870
129 Rhetorical Structures in the Delivery of Design Intent 2870
130 Structured Argument Generation in Logic-Based Systems (Conference Paper) 2897
131 Conceptual Metaphors for Designing Multi-Cultural Applications 1428
132 MArq-G*: a semiotic engineering approach for supporting the design of multi-user applications 1265
133 Organização Conversacional: Inspeção das Representações na WikiPedia 1465
134 Why Understanding Culture Is Important for Developing Effective Online Health Support: The Brazilian Context 1564
135 Model-based design of online help systems 1378
136 Um método de avaliação para interfaces baseadas em mapas 1524
137 Estudo do impacto do design e das formas de uso sobre a recuperação de informações em fóruns de discussão online 1406
138 The online community framework's performance as an epistemic tool 1317
139 Uma experiência de construção da ajuda online segundo o paradigma da engenharia semiótica 1543
140 The Semiotic Engineering Use of Models for Supporting Reflection-in-Action 1541
141 Usability Challenges in Social Projects in Brazil: Lessons Learned about the Digital Divide 1548
142 Approaching Online Self-Representation in a Community of Practice 1343
143 What they want and what they get: A study of light-weight technologies for online communities 1535
144 Um Método da Engenharia Semiótica para a Construção de Sistemas de Ajuda Online 1546
145 Design de Sistemas de Ajuda Online baseado em Modelos 1254
146 The Definition of End-User Programming Languages for Extensible Applications 1278
147 Using the Underlying Discourse Unveiling Method to Understand Organizations of Social Volunteers 1670
148 Modelo de Interação como Ponte entre o Modelo de Tarefas e a Especificação da Interface. 1348
149 Analisando a Comunicação entre Usuários em Ambientes de Grupo 1377
150 Categorizing communicability evaluation breakdowns in groupware applications 1317
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