Semiotic Engineering Research Group

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Publications by SERG

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# Article Title Hits
151 Analyzing HCI in Multiple Environments 1420
152 Layering via Interjeições: possibilidades de detalhamento contextual e progressivo 1364
153 Semiotic considerations on direct concept manipulation as a distinct interface style for learnware 1544
154 Um modelo conceitual para programação por usuários finais 1737
155 Augmenting the affordance of online help content 1414
156 Semiotic Engineering Contributions for Designing Online Help Systems 1519
157 Extending Software through Metaphors and Metonymies IUI2000 1603
158 A Case Study for Evaluating Interface Design Through Communicability 3165
159 A Model for Extensible Web-Based Information-Intensive Task-Oriented Systems 3077
160 A Diagrammatic Tool for Representing User Interaction in UML 3131
161 Estendendo Software Utilizando Metáforas e Metonímias 3008
162 Modelo e Arquitetura de Sistemas de Help Online 3046
163 The Role of Designer-Generated Scenarios in Developing Web Applications: A Case Study 2972
164 On the Rationale of Interface Semiotics for Multi-User Applications 3098
165 Towards a Semiotic Environment for Supporting the Development of Multi-User Interfaces 3266
166 Supporting End-User Programming with Explanatory Disc 3165
167 An exploratory study on non-visual mobile phone interfaces for games. 1520
168 Semiotic Engineering in Practice: Redesigning the CoScripter Interface 1686
169 Communicability in multicultural contexts: A study with the International Children's Digital Library 1826
170 Usuários podem escrever especificações de sistemas? Um estudo empírico com uma linguagem de script 1758
171 Linguagens Computacionais como Interfaces: Um Estudo com Nested Context Language 1489
172 Face-to-Face Sociability Signs Made Explicit in CMC 1536
173 Identifying Potential Social Impact of Collaborative Systems at Design Time 1538
174 O uso de uma Biblioteca Digital Infantil como ferramenta de apoio ao ensino 1702
175 Customização de Aplicações: Um estudo de caso sobre o MS Word 1598
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